We’ve said it before: patients are turning to technology and social media for education and answers. We’ve gone over creating patient videos, how to effectively use social media, and how to connect with patients on LinkedIn. So, naturally the next step in connecting with patients through modern technology would be creating a podcast!


Why Are Podcasts Successful?

Before we get into how to make your own stellar podcast, you should probably understand what a podcast is.

Well, it’s like radio on demand and it can be listened to from your phone, iPod, or computer. You can listen to episodes when you want, not just when the provider decides to air it.


Why are they so popular?

Precisely because you can listen to them on the go. Many people subscribe to their favorite podcast series or program and listen to episodes while driving, exercising, or even cooking! Podcasts offer a lot of freedom to listeners, and that’s an attractive aspect.



Quick Facts About Podcasts

Now that you have some background, let’s take a look at the cold, hard stats.


  • 44% of the U.S. population has listened to podcasts and 64% are familiar with podcasting.
  • It’s a growing trend — in 2018, 6 million more Americans listened to podcasts weekly versus 2017.
  • Between 2017 and 2018 listener rates jumped 14% among American women.
  • One-Third of Americans between the ages of 25-54 listen to podcasts monthly.


Podcasting has been booming in the last few years. And listeners are fiercely loyal to the programs they follow and typically don’t miss new episodes.


Are you seeing the great opportunity to connect with patients here?


If you want to tap into this practice-building tool and expand your reach with patients, check out our top tips for creating a medical practice podcast.



Podcasting for Your Practice

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

Before you even think about recording, take some time to sit down and establish a plan of purpose, process, and payoff.

  • What themes do you want to cover?
  • How long do you want episodes to be?
  • What are you hoping patients gain from your series?

Decide the length of each episode and stick close to it, plus how frequently you decide to post. While it’s okay to make some changes and stray from the plan at times, for the most part, your listeners will want consistency.



2. Be Conversational

You’re not selling a service, you’re telling your patients important and valuable information. You’re giving them an educational resource and an inside look into your practice. Be relatable and use storytelling to educate and inform.



3. Invest in Equipment

Your patients will likely listen from their phones, but it doesn’t mean you can record from yours. Invest in a high-quality microphone so that you can deliver a high-quality message. Remember this podcast will be an extension of your practice, so you only want to give patients the best!



Most of all, if you yourself listen to podcasts, just think about what you enjoy and why (like the length or format for example). You can incorporate these ideas into your very own!

When done right, you can use podcasting as another way to establish your authority and expertise within your field. Let patients get to know you and your mission by showing them that you are dedicated to helping them. Then, you can widen your scope to more prospective patients.


If you want to check out other great practice-building resources, head over to our blog!

For a practice review, use our simple online scheduling tool. We can’t wait to help connect you with the patients who need you the most!





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Article Name
Building Patient Connections With Podcasts
Take your practice to the next level with a podcast! Learn about the benefits of podcasting, plus three essential tips for starting your own.