Trust between patient and healthcare provider has always been important.

How can you expect a patient to reveal essential medical history or concerns if they feel uncomfortable?

While the need to establish a solid relationship between patient and provider isn’t new, the emphasis and opportunities to do so have evolved.

When you work towards developing a real relationship with patients or prospective patients, you are solidifying a strong foundation that will benefit everyone moving forward.

If you’re working towards nurturing patient relationships, keep these ideas in mind:


1. The Desire for Shared Decisions

People are particular when it comes to their health, and rightfully so.

But often times they may feel intimidated to speak up. It’s important that patients feel like they are part of the decision making process.

If there are various treatment options, you want to find the balance between respectful recommendation and being an educator.

So, let the patients know they will ultimately be the ones to decide how to move forward. Collaboration will improve when patients feel you are their guide, rather than a “know-it-all” leaving them without options.


2. Being Empathetic

This can piggyback off of number one. It’s because when you are truly empathetic, you are sharing someone’s perspective by taking a look at the world through their eyes.

When a patient has options on the table, try to be empathetic; especially if they opt for a treatment that maybe wasn’t your first choice.


3. Drop the Medical Lingo

A quality of a great healthcare provider is the ability to explain something difficult in a way that someone without a medical degree can understand.

Your patients know you’re smart — they wouldn’t be seeing you if you weren’t.

So now isn’t the time to wow them with all of the medical jargon you know. Rather you should shift your focus to explaining things in a way that will make them comfortable.


4. Create Expectations for Long-term Relationships

An awesome way to make patients comfortable is to make them feel wanted. When you meet, you should speak about the future, specifically with you and your practice.

Set milestones you want them to meet before each appointment or even just talk about what you expect in your next meeting. Thinking ahead a little can help keep patients coming back.


5. Build Community

When you reach out to researchers or other healthcare specialists that may be relevant to a patients’ health, they will recognize that you are open to ideas and willing to work with others for the good of the patient.

In a profession that many believe leads to a big ego, bringing on other medical professionals can be a good show of checking yours at the door.


Trust is an ever-evolving concept.

And if you want to stay relevant and continue to serve those who need you, you must adapt to changing demands.

If you think you could benefit from new approaches to nurture patient relationships and reach new ones, take a look at our services.

The Steeplechase Company will help you identify gaps and strengthen your approach when it comes to reaching and connecting with patients. Schedule a call today to start elevating your practice!

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Article Name
Nurture Trust with Patients in Five Easy Steps
Connecting with patients is essential to a strong practice, but the ways in which we can do this have changed. See how you can nurture trust in 5 simple steps.